Thursday, March 19, 2009

Art "Swap Meet"

So I just got an e-mail out of the blue from Phantom Galleries about an art swap meet going down this weekend over in Long Beach. Since attempting to explain this may very well end in me failing, I'll give you what I was told, straight from the source:

"Bring along a small art work in the afternoon between 2-7pm to be hung then and there. Then find another work by another artist, and swap the work by the end of the night. This can be done as many times as you like throughout the evening until close at 9pm. It is all up to the two artists involved and no one is obligated to swap at all. Meet other artists in the community and exchange art, idea's and maybe make some new friends. This project was developed in honor of Raid Projects Swap Meet."

This is all going down at 390 E 3rd Street in Long Beach at the gallery and sounds like it'll be pretty interesting. Though this one was announced on such a short notice they said in the e-mail that they hope to make it a monthly event. Time shall tell I suppose.

But I definitely plan on checking it out and if you are so inclined to join in on the fun you should RSVP ( and stop by sometime.

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