Tuesday, April 1, 2008

proper introduction

so thinking about this i figured the best way to get it started is with a sort of ice breaker, so here we go:

my name is jeff. i'm 21 and from the greater los angeles area (for those more familiar i'm from harbor area to be specific). currently i'm a student at USC, majoring in fine arts with an emphasis in photography. i'm aspiring to get into the photo biz, nothing specific really but i'm especially drawn to documentary and photo journalism. maybe i can break into that someday.

to bring in the benjamins i slang coffee at star
bucks. not the most exciting or ideal job, but i love the people i work with which makes it more then enjoyable. most of our usual customers are chill, but when i have to deal with an asshole i just think about my paycheck and tips.

i came across lomography about three or three and a half years ago or so. i really don't remember the specifics, but i do know i stumbled up toycamera.com and was introduced to the holga and diana. and from there i did some research which eventually led me to lomography. so yeah, after looking into it for a while i finally got my first camera, the fisheye 2 (which sadly has since been lost). but since then i've amassed a small collection and most of the time you'll find one or more of them on my person. i get lazy at times when it comes to actually developing my pictures, but i just got a film scanner so hopefully that will give me a little more incentive to get them developed as soon as i finish the roll.

that's really all i can think of for now.

so yeah, tell me about yourself.

1 comment:

the criti-phish said...

Hey Lovers

It's that slut down the hall. I can't believe no one told me you guys have a blog. And we were just talking about that pancake the other day.

So I know nothing about lomo stuff, but here's some blog stuff to maybe help? Constructive crit and all that...

Get a counter at http://www.amazingcounters.com/
Idk maybe you don't want one, but at least you get to see how many peeps are reading?

Fix your font. It is little and times new romanish (though sometimes it changes). Also the colours for links and the sizes for link fonts are a little bizarre and make the lists kind of hard to read.

Ok I love all 3 of you for your noble and slightly bohemian ways, even though I really only know 2.
