Thursday, December 18, 2008

Just a Bad Ass

I can't exactly think of how to link this to Lomography (or analog photography in general), so I'm not going to even try and BS a connection.

But Charlie White has some new work posted and taking a stroll on over to his site should prove to be worth your while. If you're wondering why I'm pointing him out, it's because I got to rep the alma mater and have a man-crush on him. He's the director of the Fine Arts Masters program at USC and was generous enough to be our guest critique for my photography classes show (which turned into probably the single most academically significant event of my career at USC). He's a terribly smart guy and really talented artist, for someone who works digitally that is.

Goals for the New Year:
- read more about photography and art (especially contemporary work)
- post more on the blog
- take even more photos
- get a legit medium format camera (sweet Jesus I want one so bad)
- attend more gallery/museum openings
- collaborate with fellow artists
- get back into the darkroom
- kick ass at my internships

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